Eye Surgery
Corrective Eye Surgery for Astigmatism: Pros and Cons

Astigmatism, despite the scary-sounding name, is a common vision problem in which the shape of the cornea is irregular or asymmetrical. Mild astigmatism is quite common and does not result in vision problems. When accompanied by a refractive error such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, it causes problems in sight like blurred vision, watering of eyes… Read More
Implantable Contact Lens – Pros and Cons

Implantable contact lens (ICL) are contact lenses alternatives used for correcting the vision, but unlike traditional contact lenses, these are positioned such that they remain in the eye for a much longer duration of time. While the regular external contacts lenses are placed on the surface of the eye, implantable lenses are surgically placed inside… Read More
What is EVO ICL Surgery?

Superlative Contact Lens Alternatives Today, over 40 % of the global population suffers from myopia or near-sightedness. Many people suffer from consistent decreases in vision quality, demanding a frequent change of glasses. Medically, there have been a variety of innovative technologies and procedures that help in attaining visual clarity and freedom from cumbersome glasses. People opt… Read More